Accelerate winter shedding with Equilume

Equilume Performance Lighting mimics a long summer’s day. The biologically effective light stimulates seasonal hormones, including prolactin that are regulated by the lengthening hours of daylight during spring. These hormones are in part responsible for the shedding of heavy winter coats in horses.
Horses that experience a period of short winter days and grow a heavier coat are more responsive to artificial light treatment. After 6-8 weeks of extended photoperiod (16 hours of light, 8 hours of darkness) the coat will shed early, to a summer short coat. Temperature is a key factor in accelerating and maximizing results. Correct blanketing for turnout is advised.
“We’ve used lights forever for show horses to keep slick coats. This year I used Equilume Light Masks on two of my geldings that both grow a lot of hair in the winter. They were in unlit stables without rugs, yet both shed out completely in about 30 days with the masks. I am sold!”
Chris Benedict, DLR Ranch & Stallion Station
Our Research
During an 8 week trial using Thoroughbred yearlings maintained outdoors 24/7, half of the group were fitted with Equilume Light Masks. This image demonstrates the coat shedding results. Yearlings wearing the Equilume Light Mask shed their coats faster and had significantly improved coat condition compared to untreated horses after 8 weeks. Read More
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