Discover how to maxmise:

The Power of Light

Illuminate a new era in equine performance. Daylight plays a pivotal role in regulating a horse’s internal rhythms and ensuring the body works in harmony with the environment. Our cutting-edge blue and red light technology replicates the benefits of natural daylight to support your horse’s overall health.

Extensive scientific research proves that blue light is the most biologically effective light for horses. Using the power of light, Equilume enhances fertility, performance and well-being, unlocking their full potential.

The future is bright with Equilume.

Non-Pregnant Mares

Non-Pregnant Mares

For seasonal breeders like horses, longer spring days increase fertility, performance and overall well-being. Equilume’s blue light technology mimics the duration and quality of sunlight to strengthen the horse’s body clock, regulating these physiological changes. By rapidly transitioning a mare’s light exposure to 16 h of light during the winter months, breeders can bring forward the start of the mare’s oestrous cycles for early conceptions.  Breeders who choose Equilume have the freedom to keep dry mares stabled or at pasture until the mare is ready to be bred. Mares experience less stress and improved uterine tone when at pasture in a herd environment.


Non-Pregnant Mares

Advances breeding season

Stimulates early reproductive activity

Improves fertility

Enhances coat condition

Improves health and well-being

Positively influences mood and behaviour

Provides flexible management

Reduces costs associated with stabling

When to use Equilume on
non-pregnant mares:

Long day blue light treatment should begin approximately 70 days in advance of desired breeding. This coincides with December 1st in the Northern Hemisphere or July 1st in the Southern Hemisphere. For optimum results, long day blue light therapy should continue until the mare is scanned in foal.

Contact a member of our team to calculate the recommended light activation date.

Which product will suit non-pregnant mares?

The Equilume Light Mask permits outdoor maintenance to facilitate natural behaviour, reduces overheads and optimises the mare’s fertility.

Where stabling of mares is more practical, the Equilume Stable Light Long Day program provides a unique stable lighting environment that mimics natural light transitions.

Stable Lights

Fixed & customisable lighting programs

Energy-efficient LEDs

Easy Set-Up

Light Masks


Battery Type

Active Hours (per day)


Belfield Light Mask

5 months


7 hours

4pm –11pm

Curragh Light Mask

4 months


7 hours

4pm – 11pm

Pro Light Mask

12 months


15 hours

8am – 11pm

Testimonial: Paul Messara
Arrowfield Stud, Australia

“We’ve been using Equilume Light Masks since 2013. On average we use between 60 and 80masksa year on our dry mares for early cycling and also on some of our maidens. We find them a very useful operational tool with the large herd that we have, allowing us to have the mares out in the paddocks roaming freely and not having to bring them into barns, filling up boxes and using excess staff.T here are also some financial benefits to using Equilume. Obviously there is no stable bedding and a reduction in stable staff by not needing to transport the horses in and out on a daily basis. This is money that I think is well spent in order to save on operational overheads.There is no doubt that our mares are happier outside grazing in paddocks than being inside stables. To that effect, I think Equilume has been a big benefit to Arrowfield.”

Paul Messara, General Manager, Arrowfield Stud, Hunter Valley, Australia

At the heart of everything we do is rigorous scientific research that supports our lighting solutions, which aim to allow horses to live and behave more naturally, so that they are healthier and perform better. For more information on the extensive research backing our products, read the published scientific articles:

Pregnant Mares

Pregnant Mares

The horse’s natural reproductive period aligns with the light-filled days of summer. The desire to breed mares early in the year, resulting in foals born during darker periods, affects the mares breeding efficiency resulting in longer gestations, smaller foals, and post-foaling cycling difficulties.

This can be prevented by initiating Equilume’s blue light therapy to extend day length for pregnant mares during the last 100 days of pregnancy. As well as hormones that control reproduction, longer daylight hours, specifically the blue light wavelengths, drive and stimulate important growth hormones that allow foals to mature in utero and mares to produce more milk and good colostrum.


Pregnant Mares

Optimised gestation lengths

Early post-foaling reproductive activity

Increases post-foaling fertility

Mature foals at birth – foals stand up to 15 minutes faster after birth

Improves health and well-being

Positively influences mood and behaviour

Enhances coat condition

Provides flexible management & reduces costs associated with stabling

When to use Equilume on pregnant mares:

For pregnant mares, blue light treatment should begin approximately 90-100 days before their foaling due dates. For optimum results, the long day blue light therapy should be maintained until mares are scanned back in foal.

Regardless of the due date, light treatment should not commence before:

  • Northern Hemisphere: November 15th
  • Southern Hemisphere:  June 1st

Mares must be exposed to a short winter day length to optimally respond to a long day length.

Contact a member of our team to calculate the recommended light activation date.

Which product will suit pregnant mares?

Equilume light masks permit outdoor maintenance, however, where stabling of mares is more practical, the Equilume Stable Lights provide the optimum environment to support the health of the pregnant mare and the newborn foal. Mares are comfortable to foal down under the red light and the circadian lighting strengthens internal rhythms supporting a healthy immune system and reduce the risk of infection for both mare and foal.

Stable Lights

Fixed & customisable lighting programs

Energy-efficient LEDs

Easy Set-Up

Light Masks


Battery Type

Active Hours (per day)


Belfield Light Mask

5 months


7 hours

4pm –11pm

Curragh Light Mask

4 months


7 hours

4pm – 11pm

Pro Light Mask

12 months


15 hours

8am – 11pm

Testimonial: Dr. Pat Sells
Stud Veterinarian, Chasemore Farm, UK

“In my opinion, the introduction of Equilume’s blue wavelength lighting to breeding mares constitutes the biggest technological step forward for equine reproduction since the ultrasound machine became widely used for scanning in the 1980s.  The benefits for pregnant mares are comprehensive: birth weights are higher, particularly in early season mares; those mares that consistently go longer in gestating are (as a group, on average) shortened up; and I have noticed fewer neonatal infection issues since their introduction, particularly diarrhoea, presumably due to the lower microbial load in the stable environment.
The difference in electricity consumption alone justifies their purchase from economic and environmental perspectives. Really, from every perspective as a vet and a breeder, these lights tick the box”

Dr Pat Sells BVSc BSc (Hons) CertAVP MRCVS
Stud Veterinarian, Chasemore Farm, UK

At the heart of everything we do is rigorous scientific research that supports our lighting solutions, which aim to allow horses to live and behave more naturally, so that they are healthier and perform better. For more information on the extensive research backing our products, read the published scientific articles:



Stallions are capable of breeding all year round, however, there are significant improvements in reproductive performance associated with the spring and summer months. Nature conveys the signal for the breeding season to start through the gradual increases in daylength in spring. Exposing stallions to longer hours of light during winter advances the perceived timing of spring and therefore the onset of reproductive activity. It is not only the duration of light exposure but also the quality and consistency of light and the elimination of white light pollution at night that matters. By providing the optimal light spectrum and duration, incorporating biological effective blue light, Equilume Performance Lighting advances and extends the season of optimum fertility for stallions, in addition to many other health and well-being benefits.



Advances breeding season

Increases fertility & libido

Performance & Well-Being

Strengthens their immune system

Enhances alertness and mood

Increases muscle mass & top-line

Advances and extends season of peak performance

Improves appetite

Accelerates wound healing

Maintains coat condition

Accelerates winter shedding & reduces/eliminates clipping

When to use Equilume on Stallions

Light therapy should commence before 1st December (Northern Hemisphere) or 1st July (Southern Hemisphere) to ensure peak fertility and libido coincides with the busiest time of the breeding season. Stable Lights can be used all year round with fixed and customisable lighting programs.

Contact a member of our team to calculate the recommended light activation date.

Which product will suit stallions

Stable Lights

Fixed & customisable lighting programs

Energy-efficient LEDs

Easy Set-Up

Light Masks


Battery Type

Active Hours (per day)


Belfield Light Mask

5 months


7 hours

4pm –11pm

Curragh Light Mask

4 months


7 hours

4pm – 11pm

Pro Light Mask

12 months


15 hours

8am – 11pm

Testimonial: Larry Walton,
Hill 'n' Dale Farms

“We started using the Equilume Stable Lights to increase early-season fertility and have seen them work to great effect. Our stallions are seeing a higher percentage of mares get in foal earlier in the year than before we installed the Equilume system, which is great for the stallions and also for our breeders.

As well as increasing early season fertility the stallions look fantastic under these Lights, they’re dappled out and their coats are in great condition.”

Larry Walton, Stallion Manager, Hill ‘n’ Dale Farms, USA

At the heart of everything we do is rigorous scientific research that supports our lighting solutions, which aim to allow horses to live and behave more naturally, so that they are healthier and perform better. For more information on the extensive research backing our products, read the published scientific articles:

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