10 Famous AQHA Stallions and What Made Them Big

In every breeding industry there are a number of incredibly influential bloodstock that make their mark on the stud book.These are the stallions and dams that dominate Quarter Horse news and have made such a huge impact on their breed that they are known almost as household names. These hugely significant horses are found in every breed, every registry and every bloodline in the history of breeding horses, but here we’ll talk about 10 of the most influential Quarter Horses from throughout history. From the Halter Horse show ring to the fastest quarter mile at the track, in addition to cutting, reining, and working cow horse events, these stallions cut out their place in the American Quarter Horse Association’s books as influential and leading in their disciplines. Not only are their strong bloodlines present in American bred horses, but they have become the founding sires for many successful Australian bred studs as well.