Equilume Light Masks Help Pregnant Mares Foal on Time with Optimum Birth Weights

Two unfortunate side effects for mares with foaling dates that occur unnaturally early in the year are longer pregnancies and smaller foals. On average, statistics show that foals born in June have gestations that are 10 days shorter and are born 10 lbs heavier than foals born in January. Environmental light influences the development of the foal in utero and regulates when a mare will foal by controlling the production of growth hormones when the days get longer. Nature intended that foals are born during late spring and summer – and Nature tends to have her way. Stimulating the longer day lengths associated with the natural breeding season by fitting pregnant mares with Equilume Light Masks or by using Equilume Stable Lights has been shown in research trials to eliminate these side effects in most mares, instead helping the mare deliver her foal on-time and with an optimum birth weight. It is recommended that Long Daylight therapy is initiated for pregnant mares at least 90 days prior to foaling due dates for best breeding outcomes and optimum foal health.