Kieley Walz
Rider Bio
Kieley Walz is the current NHSRA World Champion Breakaway Roper. From Ainsworth Nebraska, Kieley competes is multiple events: Breakaway, Pole Bending, Barrel Racing, Team Roping & Reined Cow Horse. Her favorite events are the breakaway and the reined cow horse. She is a vital part of Walz Performance Horses by helping with the training, care and promotion of the program’s performance horses.
In 2023 she was the Reserve Champion Breakaway Roper for the state of Nebraska which earned her the trip to Nationals. At Nationals, Kieley dominated by winning the first round with a 1.97 second run. She won the second round with a 1.95 second run then came back and placed third in the short round with a 2.2 second run. Her total time on three calves was 6.19 seconds which is what earned her the world championship.
The horse she uses in her big events is I Love Firefighters, affectionately known as Bella. Bella is by Walz Performance Horse’s senior stallion, Ima Firefighter. Kieley has also been competing in the breakaway futurities on a 4-year-old named Golden Firefighter who has the barn name of Flower. They were the reserve champions at the 5-States Breakaway Futurity. They also traveled to Rock Springs WY for the Royal Crown breakaway where the two of them won over $8,000 in the open and futurity divisions.
Kieley competes at multiple amateur rodeos and high money jackpots and when she is old enough, she will begin her professional roping career in the WPRA. Kieley is currently a High School Senior. She will go on to college where she will compete at the college level rodeos. At this time her educational plans are to pursue a marketing and advertising degree.