Discover how to maximise:

The Power of Light

Illuminate a new era in equine performance. Daylight plays a pivotal role in regulating a horse’s internal rhythms and ensuring the body works in harmony with the environment. Our cutting-edge blue and red light technology replicates the benefits of natural daylight to support your horse’s overall health.

Extensive scientific research proves that blue light is the most biologically effective light for horses. Using the power of light, Equilume enhances fertility, performance and well-being, unlocking their full potential.

Innovation is at the heart of what we do and our research and product development aim to deliver the best in equine light technology. The future is bright with Equilume.

Coat & Muscle Development

Coat Condition & Muscle Development

Everyone knows that the best indicator of a healthy horse on the inside, is a glowing, sleek coat on the outside. The duration of day-length and environmental temperature both change over the course of the year and regulate the length and density of a horse or pony’s coat in different seasons.

Equilume’s Performance Lighting products mimic a long summer’s day, stimulating seasonal hormones, including prolactin, while also ensuring that melatonin levels are sufficiently suppressed allowing your horse to produce a shiny summer coat and optimize the horse’s muscle response to exercise.


Coat Condition

Muscle Development

Improves coat condition

Improves appetite

Maintains show coat shine

Increases muscle mass

Accelerates winter shedding

Improves topline

Extends ‘summer vigour’

Utilises stored fat

Alternative to clipping

Extends peak performance

When to use Equilume

Early Coat Shedding Post Winter

After 8 weeks of extended daylight (16 hours of light and 8 hours of darkness), the coat will shed early to a summer coat. Fastest results are achieved when horses are blanketed and kept warm.

Extending a Summer Coat

Light therapy needs to be initiated within one month after the summer solstice onwards maintaining 16 hours of daylight and 8 hours of darkness to extend and maintain a summer coat. Light masks should be fitted before July 21st in the Northern Hemisphere and January 21st in the Southern Hemisphere.

Starting light therapy in the autumn is too late to prevent the growth of the winter coat. Don’t leave it too late to start if you want to maintain a summer coat!

Influence Body Composition and Muscle Mass

Horses maintained under customized stable light systems with biologically effective blue light had a significantly higher fat-free mass (FFM) compared to horses under standard lighting. These horses also recorded higher weights and improved coat conditions. Using the Equilume Stable Lights increases the FFM in horses indicating an increase in athletic ability and contributing to all-round improved performance.


Contact a member of our team to calculate the recommended light activation date for improved coat condition and muscle development.


Coat condition

  • Every horse should have a minimum of a 6-8 week break from artificial lighting with the ideal recommendation of an 8-week break. This is necessary to reset the horse’s internal annual hair-shedding clock. In the northern hemisphere, it is recommended to take a break during November-December and in the Southern Hemisphere, it is recommended to take this break any time from the end of March to September.
  • The environmental temperature affects a horse or pony’s response to light therapy – ensure they are protected from the elements and well-blanketed
  • Nutrition is very important and should be carefully monitored so that increased energy is provided to compensate for temperature drops
  • Horses and ponies respond differently and may require different management depending on the rusticity of the breed
  • Please contact a member of our team if you want a recommended light activation date.

Muscle Development

  • Increasing the amount of biologically effective blue light can increase a horse’s fat-free mass, increasing their athletic ability and improving performance.
  • Using Equilume’s Pro Light Mask and Equilume Stable Lights can improves horse’s response to training

Which product will suit best

Whilst all Equilume products will improve coat condition and muscle development, we recommend using the Pro Light Mask and the Stable Light to achieve full benefits.

Stable Lights

Fixed & customisable lighting programs

Energy-efficient LEDs

Easy Set-Up

Stable Light Programs & Uses

Light Masks


Battery Type

Active Hours (per day)


Belfield Light Mask

5 months


7 hours

4pm –11pm

Curragh Light Mask

4 months


7 hours

4pm – 11pm

Pro Light Mask

12 months


15 hours

8am – 11pm

Testimonial: Torryburn Stud

“I have used Equilume Light Masks on my own show horses over the years with amazing results. The Torryburn Easter draft was prepared using the Cashel Light Masks and the results were fantastic. I believe this has been our best ever presented draft to be offered for sale. The horses’ coats gleamed like a mirror, but we also noticed increased muscle development and an absence of viral infections. Generally, the overall condition and health of the yearlings was above our usual standard. I highly recommend the use of blue light technology for later sales to have horses in prime condition.”

Mel Copelin, Stud Manager, Torryburn Stud, NSW Australia

At the heart of everything we do is rigorous scientific research that supports our lighting solutions, which aim to allow horses to live and behave more naturally, so that they are healthier and perform better. For more information on the extensive research backing our products, read the published scientific articles:

Rest & Recovery

Rest & Recovery

Under conventional lighting, frequent interactions with horses during night-time hours result in erratic exposure to light at night. This regime negatively impacts the horse’s body clock by disrupting their circadian rhythms and can result in impaired growth, reduced immune response and poor performance.

Our customisable stable lights were designed to provide the horse with extended blue-enriched white LED light by day, gradual transitions at dawn and dusk, and red light at night. The use of dim red light at night eliminates the need for white light at night as users can perform night checks without disrupting the horse.


Horses rest at night is essential for their overall health and well-being. The red light in the Equilume Stable Light permits the nightly rise of melatonin stabilising circadian rhythms for horses to rest and recover while facilitating night time monitoring, management and care of horses. This also creates a calm foaling environment for pregnant mares.

Which product will suit for rest and recovery

Stable Lights

Fixed & customisable lighting programs

Energy-efficient LEDs

Easy Set-Up

Stable Light Programs

Testimonial: Liz Halliday Sharp

“I have noticed the Equilume products have really helped Cooley HHS Calmaria to relax and focus on her work.

My other horses rest and recover better making Equilume an important part of our
management programme.”

Liz Halliday-Sharp, International 5* Event Rider, USA

At the heart of everything we do is rigorous scientific research that supports our lighting solutions, which aim to allow horses to live and behave more naturally, so that they are healthier and perform better. For more information on the extensive research backing our products, read the published scientific articles:

Behaviour & Well-Being

Behaviour & Well-Being

Blue light is the most biologically effective light responsible for regulating an animal’s internal rhythms and coordinating all bodily functions to a daily and annual rhythm. Natural environmental lighting is essential to generate and maintain circadian rhythms ensuring optimum health, well-being and performance. Equilume Performance Lighting best reflects and mimics the benefits of the natural environmental day-night cycle. Our research results as well as feedback from clients are very exciting. As well as blossoming coat condition and increased muscle development, horses have better appetites, improved behavioural changes and focus on their work. Horses are happier and healthier overall using Equilume.



Regulates body clock

Positively influences mood & behaviour

Advances & extends period of peak performance

Enhances alertness

Improves appetite

Improves respiratory health

Stimulates immunity & healing

Permits rest & enhances recovery

Which products will suit for improved well-being

Stable Lights

Fixed & customisable lighting programs

Energy-efficient LEDs

Easy Set-Up

Light Masks


Battery Type

Active Hours (per day)


Belfield Light Mask

5 months


7 hours

4pm –11pm

Curragh Light Mask

4 months


7 hours

4pm – 11pm

Pro Light Mask

12 months


15 hours

8am – 11pm


Testimonial: Phillip Dutton

“We are big fans of the Equilume Light Masks and Stable Lights and I feel that my horses
focus more on their work and are healthier and happier overall.”

Phillip Dutton, Eventing. 7-time Olympian and 3-time Olympic Medallist, USA

At the heart of everything we do is rigorous scientific research that supports our lighting solutions, which aim to allow horses to live and behave more naturally, so that they are healthier and perform better. For more information on the extensive research backing our products, read the published scientific articles:

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