Discover how to maximise:

The Power of Light

Illuminating a new era in equine performance, Equilume uses the power of light to maximise fertility, performance and well-being for horses.

Our cutting-edge blue and red light technology replicates the benefits of the natural qualities of daylight to support your horse’s overall health. Daylight plays a pivotal role in regulating a horse’s internal rhythms and ensuring the body works in harmony with the environment.

Extensive scientific research has shown that blue light is the most biologically effective light for horses and that nighttime rest is facilitated by red light wavelengths. Science and innovation are at the heart of everything we do and our research and product development aims to deliver the best in equine lighting technology.

The future is bright with Equilume.


The Equilume Performance Lighting system comprises fully automated smart Stable Lights and award-winning Light Masks, keeping your horse healthy from the inside out.

Featured Products

Equilume Belfield Light Mask

(Seasonal Breeding Light Mask)

Equilume Curragh Light Mask

(Replaceable Breeding Light Mask)

Equilume Pro Light Mask

(Rechargeable Performance Light Mask - Needs to be recharged every 7 days)

Equilume Stable Light V3

Nature's Light Indoors

Equilume Belfield Light Mask

(Seasonal Breeding Light Mask)

Equilume Curragh Light Mask

(Replaceable Breeding Light Mask)

Equilume Pro Light Mask

(Rechargeable Performance Light Mask - Needs to be recharged every 7 days)

Equilume Stable Light V3

Nature's Light Indoors


Equilume is dedicated to continuous research, driving scientific advancements in equine fertility, performance & well-being. Through multiple trials conducted across three continents, the Equilume Light Mask has proven its success in enhancing reproductive activity for mares as an alternative to indoor stabling. Further studies have also demonstrated the positive effects of blue light technology on fertility, overall health, and coat condition in breeding and performance horses. Inspired by these findings, Equilume developed the innovative Equilume Stable Light, revolutionizing optimized lighting for stabled horses to maintain their well-being and health. Our ongoing research ensures that we deliver cutting-edge solutions, keeping us at the forefront of the equine industry.


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